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Paraceratherium (Indricotherium) transouralicum M. Pavlova, 1922, Museum of Nature, Almaty
Image Details:

Paraceratherium (Indricotherium) transouralicum M. Pavlova, 1922, Museum of Nature, Almaty

Author: Museum of Nature, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Year: 2024
Description: A Paraceratherium (Indricotherium) transouralicum M. Pavlova complete skeleton (lateral view) housed in the Museum of Nature, Republican State Enterprise “Gylym Ordasy” (“The Center of Science”), ul. Shevchenko 28, within the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty. Paraceratherium (Indricotherium) transouralicum is a Middle Oligocene rhinoceros, Coll. Det. M.D. Birjukov, found in the Shintuzsay palaeontological site, Turgay village, Kustanay oblast’, Central Kazakhstan. Paraceratherium was an extinct genus of hornless rhinocerotoids lived during the Oligocene and one of the largest terrestrial mammals that ever existed. Paraceratherium is a synonym with Baluchitherium Forster-Cooper, 1913, Indricotherium Borissiak, 1916, Aralotherium Borissyak, 1939, Pristinotherium Birkjukov, 1953, Dzungariotherium Chiu, 1973, and ?Benaratherium Gabunia, 1955. This photograph has kindly been provided by Gulzhan Shayzatovna Nazymbetova, biologist and palaeontologist, Head of the Museum of Nature, Republican State Enterprise “Gylym Ordasy” (“The Center of Science”), ul. Shevchenko 28 within the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty.
Location: Asia - Palearctic Asia
Subject: Museums
Species: Fossil
File Size: 1.494 kb
Dimensions: 1969x1312 px
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