Sumatran Rhino Eco Lodge (hits:52)
Eco Lodges Indonesia has taken on a new venture to help Way Kambas National Park protect the endangered Sumatran Elephant and the rare Sumatran Rhino and Tiger.
Volunteer4Africa (hits:51)
Volunteer 4 Africa provide low cost volunteering opportunities throughout Africa. All information is on the website, including volunteering in conservation projects.
Global Conservation Force (hits:50)
Global Conservation Force is dedicated to saving wildlife from extinction through education, anti-poaching and conservations efforts.
SAVE FOUNDATION of Australia (hits:48)
Since its creation in 1987, the SAVE FOUNDATION of Australia (Inc.) has been committed to saving Africa's endangered species from extinction. During the past 20 years, the main focus of our activities has been the conservation of the African Black Rhinoceros in Zimbabwe.
Game Rangers Association of Africa (hits:46)
The Game Rangers Association of Africa commits itself to the preservation, conservation and where possible, restoration of Africa's bio-diversity and the continued existence of its wilderness. The Future of conservation in Africa; and the preservation of its wilderness lies in the hands of its natural resource managers and field rangers. The Game Rangers Association of Africa is committed to ensure that those responsible for the future of conservation in Africa are dedicated, motivated, skills-trained, ethical and professional in the execution of their duties.
Uncrated Rhino (hits:43) is an e-commerce Rhino Gift Shoppe, & an educational and informational web site for "All Things Rhinoceros". For the past 20 years, well before we became known as a website, the Rhino Gift Shoppe brought together all types of rhinoceros products to Rhino Collectors all over the world.
Verband der Zoologischen Gärten (VdZ) (hits:43)
Der Verband der Zoologischen Gärten (VdZ) e.V. – bis Juni 2014 Verband Deutscher Zoodirektoren (VDZ) genannt - vereinigt die wissenschaftlich geleiteten Zoos im deutschsprachigen Raum. Der 1887 gegründete VdZ ist die älteste Zoo-Organisation weltweit und die Keimzelle der World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA). Er setzt sich für eine gute Zootierhaltung ein und kooperiert dazu mit den Behörden. Zu den Aktivitäten des Verbandes gehört es auch, seine Mitglieder im Natur- und Artenschutz zu unterstützen.
Dotty Rhino (hits:41)
Help save the African black rhino and wild dog
Oryx (Fauna and Flora International) (hits:37)
Oryx - The International Journal of Conservation, is now published quarterly by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora International. It is a leading scientific journal of biodiversity conservation, conservation policy and sustainable use, with a particular interest in material that has the potential to improve conservation management and practice.
African Rhino Specialist Group (hits:36)
The African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG is among the 100+ Specialist Groups in the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of IUCN - The World Conservation Union. Its mission is to promote the development and long term maintenance of viable populations of the various sub-species of African rhinos in the wild.
Endangered Species International (hits:35)
Endangered Species International (ESI) is strongly committed to reversing the trend of human-induced species extinction, save endangered species, and preserving their vital ecosystems. We have projects worldwide to protect endangered species, and save biodiversity. We also support the use of solar energy in our projects.
ADW: Rhinocerotidae Information (hits:34)
The family Rhinoceroteridae contains living rhinoceroses. They are represented by 5 species placed in 4 genera. Three of these species are found in south-central Asia and the other two live in Africa south of the Sahara.
Rhino Watch (hits:29)
We believe that the future of wildlife conservation depends to a large extent on our ability to develop new management and research techniques which are non-invasive, cost-effective and thus sustainable. We believe that the spoor identification technique has a promising future in wildlife conservation.