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The RRC database contains a total of 42669 Notes which are linked to 28804 References. Furthermore, 28894 PDF's containing copies of pages from books and journals are available.

Newest PDFs:

International Rhino Keeper Association, 2024
Neushoornstichting, 2024
Baruah, P.J., 2024
Dutta, D.K., 2024
International Rhino Foundation, 2024
Lau, D., 2014
Phily, 1934
Germain, R., 1887
Polito, S., 1812
Johnston, H.H., 1910
Kalinin, A.P., 2024
Guertler, W.D., 2021
Schmidt-Pfister, A., 2023
Cranston, A. et al., 2024
Leiberich, M. et al., 2024
Huebschle, A. et al., 2024
South Africa Government, 2024
Kuiper, T. et al., 2023
Schlie, F., 1882
Groth, J.G., 1792
Buffon, G.L. Leclerc de et al., 1791
Zariny, V. et al., 1952
Rheinart des Essarts, P.P., 1934
Russo, I.R. et al., 2022

Rhino Literature & Articles

The RRC website provides access to an extensive database of indexed and tagged references, abstracts and full texts covering every possible aspect of the knowledge of the rhinoceros. There are no restrictions of language, time period, locality or type of publication including reports and grey literature. Contributions and suggestions are welcome.

Special Features:
Our Image Gallery including Contemporary Art.
Main references to the fossil rhino sites database in Excel format; more info here

Newest References:
International Rhino Keeper Association, 2024. Various notes. The Crash Fall (September) 2024: 1-12
Neushoornstichting, 2024. [Various notes on rhinos, in Dutch]. Nieuwsbrief World Rhino Day - 22 September: 1-4
Baruah, P.J., 2024. Interview with Dr Bibhab Kumar Talukdar: Habitat deterioration posing threats. Assam Tribune 22 September 2024
Dutta, D.K., 2024. Sighting the rhino: the legacy and future of rhino conservation in Assam. Assam Tribune 22 September 2024
International Rhino Foundation, 2024. State of the Rhino Report (for 2024). Washington, IRF, pp. 1-17
Lau, D., 2014. Tierbiographien [Nashorn 1515, 1576]. Tierbefreiung no. 85: 77
Germain, R., 1887. Apercu sur la Cochinchine Française au point de vue de la faune générale. Bulletin de la Societe Nationale d'Acclimatation ser. 4 vol. 4: 135-146
Polito, S., 1812. Rhinoceros and elephant exhibited at the Royal Menagerie, Exeter Change. National Register Sunday 29 March 1812: 205
Johnston, H.H., 1910. Britain across the seas: Africa; a history and description of the British Empire in Africa. London, National Society's Depository, pp. i-xix, 1-429
Kalinin, A.P., 2024. Skulls of the woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis Blum.) from Tomsk region localities: morphological features and palaeoecology. Thesis presented to Tomsk State University, Russia, pp. 1-51
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