The RRC database contains a total of 42869 Notes which are linked to 29005 References. Furthermore, 29152 PDF's containing copies of pages from books and journals are available.
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Rookmaaker, L.C. et al., 2025 Burnett, J.H., 1958 Shahi. S.P., 1971 Dang, H. K., 1968 Dang, H., 1969 Waller, R., 1971 Isetti, G., 1963 Bedi, R., 1984 Seidensticker, J. et al., 2006 Bedi, R., 1999 Stefaniak, K. et al., 2024 Khajuria, H., 1956 Lundgren, E. et al., 2024 Westhuizen, M. et al., 2025 Bayan, U. et al., 2024 Gee, E.P., 1963 Dang, H., 1964 Gee, E.P. et al., 1964 Gee, E.P., 1966 Dang, H. et al., 1966 Tong, E.H., 1966 Hawley, A.B., 1966 Berkhey, J. Le Franq van, 1785 Joshi, A.R., 2025
Rhino Literature & Articles
The RRC website provides access to an extensive database of indexed and tagged references, abstracts and full texts covering every possible aspect of the knowledge of the rhinoceros. There are no restrictions of language, time period, locality or type of publication including reports and grey literature. Contributions and suggestions are welcome.
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Main references to the fossil rhino sites database in Excel format; more info here
Rookmaaker, L.C. et al., 2025. New literature in the Rhino Resource Center. Electronic Newsletter of the Rhino Resource Center no. 77 (March): 1-20
Waller, R., 1971. Some conclusions on wildlife problems. Cheetal 14 (2) September: 3-12
Dang, H., 1969. Editorial Notes: E.P. Gee. Cheetal 11-2 (May): 4-5
Dang, H. K., 1968. E.P. Gee Obituary. Cheetal 11-1 (November): 98-99
Shahi. S.P., 1971. Status of wild life in Bihar. Cheetal 14 (2) September: 27-33
Isetti, G., 1963. Alcuni mammiferi fossili nel nuovo deposito musteriano della Grotta della Madonna Dell' Arma presso San Remo. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "G. Doria" Genoa 3 (N140): 1-15, 7 figs.
Bedi, R., 1984. Eastern India - Rhinos of Kaziranga. In: Indian Wildlife. William Collins & Sons Ltd., London: 184-196, 10 figs.
Seidensticker, J. et al., 2006. Building an Arc. Smithsonian 37 (4) July: 56-63, 11 figs.
Bedi, R., 1999. Ice Age Creature - the Rhinoceros (in Hindi). Cheetal 38 (3 & 4): 61-93, 18 figs.
Stefaniak, K. et al., 2024. Szczatki nosorozca lesnego (Stephanorinus kirchbergensis), na odkrywce "Jozwin" KWB Konin - zapomniane znalezisko [Remains of the forest rhinoceros (Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis) in the "Jozwin" outcrop of KWB Konin - a forgotten find] [in Polish]. Koninskie Zeszyty Muzealne - Muzeum Okregowe w Koninie 18: 109-118, 7 figs
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