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File AvailableMeijaard, E. 1996 The Sumatran rhinoceros in Kalimantan, Indonesia: its possible distribution and conservation prospects. Pachyderm 21: 15-23, map 1
Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Distribution - Records
Sumatran Rhino
Ulu S. lwan in Apo Kayan, Kalimantan. In the area between Ulu S. Punjungan, Ulu S. Iwan and Ulu S. Lurah (E 115.48 N 2.38) the `sightings' of three rhinos, or their signs (it is unclear if animals were actually seen), were reported by `geharu' collectors.

File AvailableSiswomartono, D.; Reddy, S.; Ramono, W.; Manansang, J.; Tilson, R; Franklin, N.; Foose, T.J. 1996 The Sumatran rhino in Way Kambas National park, Sumatra, Indonesia. Pachyderm 21: 13-14, fig. 1
Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Sumatra
Distribution - Records
Sumatran Rhino
Until five years ago [1991], the Sumatran Rhino was believed to be extinct in Way Kambas NP. However, reports suggested that rhinos might still occur in the area. In the earliest reports, it was unclear if the species was Sumatran or Javan. However, the size of some of the tracks indicated tha...

File AvailableSiswomartono, D.; Reddy, S.; Ramono, W.; Manansang, J.; Tilson, R; Franklin, N.; Foose, T.J. 1996 The Sumatran rhino in Way Kambas National park, Sumatra, Indonesia. Pachyderm 21: 13-14, fig. 1
Management - Programs
Sumatran Rhino
Despite great expectations and efforts, the captive breeding programme for Sumatran Rhinos, which commenced in 1984, has not been succesful. A total of 40 rhinos have been captured in three areas where independent projects have been conducted: Indonesia (in cooperation with zoological organisat...

File AvailableBosi, E.J. 1996 Mating Sumatran rhinoceros at Sepilok Rhino Breeding Centre, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia. Pachyderm 21: 24-27, fig. 1, table 1
Asia - South East Asia - Malaysia - Sarawak
Diseases - Reasons of death
Sumatran Rhino
Sabah - Dicerorhinus sumatrensis. Male caught in Sabah on 5.5.91 died of tetanus on 8.5.95.

File AvailableMeijaard, E. 1996 The Sumatran rhinoceros in Kalimantan, Indonesia: its possible distribution and conservation prospects. Pachyderm 21: 15-23, map 1
Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Distribution - Records
Sumatran Rhino
An informant saw foot prints the size of a food plate in 1984, which he assumed to be of the rhinoceros. He clearly described the shape and three toes that were visible in the print. (Location: E 114.05 S 0.68). Dudson et al. (1990) reported the following: `Sumatran rhinoceros and banteng were ...

File AvailableMeijaard, E. 1996 The Sumatran rhinoceros in Kalimantan, Indonesia: its possible distribution and conservation prospects. Pachyderm 21: 15-23, map 1
Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Distribution - Records
Sumatran Rhino
On his rhinoceros distribution map, Yasuma (1994) indicates one location of `information of inhabitation from hearing' at ? 20km north of Gunung Kong Botak (E 116.17 N 1.42). Four different sources mentioned the presence of rhinos in the area of G. Belayan, among which the finding of tracks and ...

File AvailableMeijaard, E. 1996 The Sumatran rhinoceros in Kalimantan, Indonesia: its possible distribution and conservation prospects. Pachyderm 21: 15-23, map 1
Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Distribution - Records
Sumatran Rhino
An employee of the Agency for the Conservation of Natural Resources (SB KSDA) in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, heard rumours from local people in the Bentuang Karimun Nature Reserve (E 113.47 N 1.22) that there were still rhinos around. Further affirmative information on rhino presence in the Bent...

File AvailableMeijaard, E. 1996 The Sumatran rhinoceros in Kalimantan, Indonesia: its possible distribution and conservation prospects. Pachyderm 21: 15-23, map 1
Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Distribution - Records
Sumatran Rhino
An informant saw one poached rhino around S. Boh (E 115.33 N 1.33), tributary of S. Mahakam and he saw tracks of 2 rhino, between 1969 and 1972. Area: S. Boh, S. Merasah (east of Long Pahangai), E 114.93 N 1.28: A former inhabitant claimed that rhino tracks were quite often found there in 1969.

File AvailableO'Brien, T.; Kinnaird, M.F. 1996 Birds and mammals of the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia. Oryx 30 (3): 202-217, fig. 1, table 1
Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Sumatra
Distribution - Records
Sumatran Rhino
Bukit Barisan Dselatan National Park is the third largest protected area, 3568 km?, on Sumatra. Located in the extreme SW of Sumatra, 104.50 E, the park spans two provinces, Lampung and Bengkulu, extending from the southern tip at Tanjung Cina to more than 120 km north along the Barisan mountain...

File AvailableO'Brien, T.; Kinnaird, M.F. 1996 Birds and mammals of the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia. Oryx 30 (3): 202-217, fig. 1, table 1
Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Sumatra
Distribution - Records
Sumatran Rhino
Survey conducted 7-24 March 1995, end of rainy season, mainly along 2 survey routes. Rhino signes at 3 locations: In the vicinity of Blambangan River, footprints of at least 2 individuals, also scrapes and wallows. This area is a mosaic of open marshy areas, swamp forest and low-land forest on...

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