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File AvailableDaly, M. 1937 Big game hunting and adventure 1887-1936. London, MacMillan, pp. i-xi, 1-322
Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Behaviour - Towards Man
Black Rhino
Most apparent charges are really made in its endeavors to break through and get away. Those are easy to discriminate between if the rhino can be seen. A steady advance with the ears pricked forward towards one is a most dangerous sign, and one must quickly and quietly give way or face it. A ch...

File AvailableDaly, M. 1937 Big game hunting and adventure 1887-1936. London, MacMillan, pp. i-xi, 1-322
Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Behaviour - Towards Man
Black Rhino
Comparison with buffalo Much has been said about the comparative aggressiveness of buffalo and rhino. Some hold that a rhino is easier turned than a buffalo, and so on. Lone buffalo bulls will often be found, like rhinos, trying to get away and avoid trouble, and their intentions are just as ea...

File AvailableWeber, W.; Dekking, G.W.; J.S. 1935 Le Parc National Kruger - un paradis des Fauves. L'Illustration No 4798 (Feb 16): 195-197, 1 map, 11 images
Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Behaviour - Towards Man
Black Rhino
No details available yet

File AvailableUganda Game Department 1934 Uganda protectorate, Game Department, Extracts from Annual report for the year ended 31st December, 1932. Journal of the Society for the Preservation of the Fauna of the Empire 22: 34-45
Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Behaviour - Towards Man
White Rhino
It seems almost inevitable that at least one of these grand animals will be shot each year by some person who had overlooked or disbelieves in the mass of accumulated proof of the utter harmlessness of these animals. Residents in West Nile become accustomed to meeting these enormous brutes, but ...

File AvailableBarbour, T.; Allen, G.M. 1932 The lesser one-horned rhinoceros. Journal of Mammalogy 13: 144-149, pl. 11
Behaviour - Towards Man
Javan Rhino
In Perak, lower Malay Peninsula, however, two individuals have been killed in the last thirty years, the mounted heads of which are now in the Selangor Museum of the Federated Malay States. Both these animals were savage, and given to unprovoked attacks. The Pinjih rhino was a well-known indivi...

File AvailablePowell Cotton, P.H.G. 1932 Black rhinoceros hunting: pp. 115-119

In: Maydon, H.C. Big game shooting in Africa. London, Seeley, Service and Co (The Lonsdale Library, vol. 14): pp. 1-445
Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Behaviour - Towards Man
White Rhino
The White Rhino of my experience does not charge on scent like the Black, but it is nevertheless well to be wary, for now and then the beast will turn on the hunter with as much ferocity as its Black relation.

File AvailableKnollys, A.C.; Lyell, D.D. 1932 Rhinoceros: pp. 113-115

In: Maydon, H.C. Big game shooting in Africa. London, Seeley, Service and Co (The Lonsdale Library, vol. 14): pp. 1-445
Behaviour - Towards Man
Black Rhino
The natives are certainly as much afraid of him as they are of the Elephant, although in the opinion of most hunters he is classed as the least dangerous of all the larger game. The probable reasons for the very different opinions as to the risks of shooting Rhino is that the nature of the beast...

File AvailablePowell Cotton, P.H.G. 1932 Black rhinoceros hunting: pp. 115-119

In: Maydon, H.C. Big game shooting in Africa. London, Seeley, Service and Co (The Lonsdale Library, vol. 14): pp. 1-445
Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Behaviour - Towards Man
Black Rhino
In the Baringo district Rhino were both numerous and aggressive, and the tale is told that before the days of the railway one of them charged a line of prisoners laden with the baggage of an official. The unfortunate men, who were chained by the neck, were unable to take flight, and several of t...

File AvailablePowell Cotton, P.H.G. 1932 Black rhinoceros hunting: pp. 115-119

In: Maydon, H.C. Big game shooting in Africa. London, Seeley, Service and Co (The Lonsdale Library, vol. 14): pp. 1-445
Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Behaviour - Towards Man
Black Rhino
In the Baringo district Rhino were both numerous and aggressive, and the tale is told that before the days of the railway one of them charged a line of prisoners laden with the baggage of an official. The unfortunate men, who were chained by the neck, were unable to take flight, and several of t...

File AvailableKnollys, A.C.; Lyell, D.D. 1932 Rhinoceros: pp. 113-115

In: Maydon, H.C. Big game shooting in Africa. London, Seeley, Service and Co (The Lonsdale Library, vol. 14): pp. 1-445
Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Behaviour - Towards Man
Black Rhino
Attack on train in Kenya The Black Rhino is pig-like both mentally and physically and little or no provocation is required to make it take the offensive. On at least one occasion in the earlier days of the Kenya-Uganda railway it charged an approaching train, meeting it obliquely near the front...

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