Search results for References by and 35 others or Andrassy
Ferreira, S.; t Sas Rolfes, M.; Balfour, D.; Barichievy, C.; Chege, G.; Dean, C.; Doak, N.; Dublin, H.T.; Du Toit, R.; Mosweu, K.; and 13 others, 2024. Risky conclusions regarding shrinking rhino horns. People and Nature 2024: 1-4 - DOI: 10.1002/pan3.10552


Martinez, L.; Andres, P.J. de; Caperos, J.M.; Silvan, G.; Fernandez-Moran, J.; Casares, M.; Crespo, B.; Velez, D.; Sanz, L.; Caceres, S., 2023. Predicting sex in white rhinoceroses: a statistical model for conservation management. Animals 13 (2583): 1-19 -


Yan, J.; Sun, G.; Xiao, B.; Hu, J.; Wang, L.; Taogetongqimuge; Bao, L.; Hou, Y.; and 9 others, 2023. Ancient mitogenomes reveal a high maternal genetic diversity of Pleistocene woolly rhinoceros in Northern China. BMC Ecology and Evolution 23 (56): 1-8 -


Du Toit, R.; Anderson, N., 2023. Zimbabwe: Just for interest (rates). The Horn (Save the Rhino International) 2023: 22-23


Anderson, N.; Du Toit, R., 2022. Zimbabwe: trends in rhino tracking technology. The Horn (Save the Rhino International) 2022: 12


Hildebrandt, T.B.; Holtze, S.; Biasetti, P.; Colleoni, S.; and 17 others, 2021. Conservation research in times of COVID-19 – the rescue of the northern white rhino. Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 3 (1): 16-37 - DOI: 10.1163/25889567-BJA10009


Mori, B. de; Spiriti, M.M.; Pollastri, I.; Normando, S.; Biasetti, P.; Florio, D.; Andreucci, F.; Colleoni, S.; Galli, C.; Goeritz, F.; Hermes, R. and 10 others, 2021. An Ethical Assessment Tool (ETHAS) to evaluate the application of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in mammals’ conservation: the case of the Northern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni). Animals 11 (312): 1-21 -


Anderson, S., 2021. Zwei Mädchen [Northern white rhino in Kenya]. Stern 2021 January 28: 58-61 (from New York Times0


Gomez-Olivencia, A.; Arlegi, M.; Arceredillo, D.; Delson, E.; Sanchis, A.; Nunez-Lahuerta, C.; Fernandez-Garcia, M.; Villalba de Alvarado, M.; Galan, J.; Made, J. van der; and others, 2021. The Koskobilo (Olazti, Navarre, Northern Iberian Peninsula) paleontological collection: New insights for the Middle and Late Pleistocene in Western Pyrenees. Quaternary International 2021: 1-28 -


Stefaniak, K.; Stachowicz-Rybka, R.; Borowka, R.K.; Hrynowiecka, A.; Sobczyk, A.; Moskal, M.; Kotowski, A.; Nowakowski, D.; Billia, E.M.E.; Made, J. van der; and others, 2021. Browsers, grazers or mix-feeders? Study of the diet of extinct Pleistocene Eurasian forest rhinoceros Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jager, 1839) and woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799). Quaternary International 605: 192-212 -


Mahmood, T.; Vu, T.T.; Campos-Arceiz, A.; Akrim, F.; Andleeb, S.; Farooq, M.; Hamid, A.; Munawar, N.; Waseem, M.; Hussain, A.; Fatima, H.; Khan, M.R.; Mahmood, S., 2021. Historical and current distribution ranges and loss of mega-herbivores and carnivores of Asia. PeerJ 9:e10738: 1-23 - DOI 10.7717/peerj.10738


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Saarinen, J.; Oksanen, O.; Zliobaite, I.; Fortelius, M.; DeMiguel, D.; Azanza, B.; Bocherens, H.; Luzón, C.; Solano-García, J. ; Yravedra, J.; and many Others, 2021. Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene climate history in the Guadix-Baza Basin, and the environmental conditions of early Homo dispersal in Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews 268 (2021), 107132: 18 pp., 6 figs, 2 tabs []


Liu, S.; Dalen, L.; Gilbert, T.; Rookmaaker, L.C.; and 35 others, 2021. Ancient and modern genomes unravel the evolutionary history of the rhinoceros family. Cell 184: 4874–4885 -


Anderson, N., 2021. Zimbabwe: One + one. The Horn (Save the Rhino International) 2021: 14-15


Andres-Brummer. D., 2021. Grosser Auftrit: Die Nashorner kehren zuruck in den Gonarezhou-Nationalpark. ZGF-Gorilla 2021 (3): 12-16


Lord, E.; Dussex, N., ; Kierczak, M.; Díez-del-Molino, D.; Ryder, O.A.; Stanton, D.W.G. ; Gilbert, M.Th.P.; Sánchez-Barreiro, F.; Zhang, Guojie; Sinding, M.-H.S.; and 8 Others, 2020. Pre-extinction demographic stability and genomic signatures of adaptation in the woolly rhinoceros. Current Biology 30: 3871–3879, 3 figs, []


Anderson, N., 2020. Zimbabwe: keeping a close eye on black rhinos. The Horn (Save the Rhino International) 2020: 32-33


Sobczyk, A.; Borowka, R.K.; Badura, J.; Stachowicz-Rybka, R.; Made, J. van der; and 18 others, 2020. Geology, stratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis- bearing Quaternary palaeolake (s) Gorzow Wielkopolski (NW Poland, Central Europe). Journal of Quaternary Science 35 (4): 539-558


Chen, K.Y.; Song, Z.; Liu, Y.; Anderson, M., 2020. Seven rhinos captured. In: Reading of Sh?ng Inscriptions. Springer, Singapore:


Andres-Brummer. D., 2020. Mister Serengeti: ein Nachruf auf Markus Borner. ZGF-Gorilla 2020 (1): 26-37


Teixeira, C.; Waterhouse, D.M.; Moura, L.; Andrade, P., 2019. Displaying a taxidermy rhinoceros in a museum: the Lisbon conservation approach. I Seminário Nacional de Conservação de Coleções Científicas // 1st National Seminar on the Conservation of Scientific Collections. Conservar Património: pp. 1-15, 12 figs, ARP - Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal []


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Harper, C.; and 23 others, 2018. Robust forensic matching of confiscated horns to individual poached African rhinoceros. Current Biology 28 (1): r13-r14


Cerling, T.E.; Andanje, S.A.; Gakuya, F.; Kariuki, J.M.; Kariuki, L.; Kingoo, J.W.; Khayale, C.; Lekolool, I.; Macharia, A.N.; Anderson, C.R.; Fernandez, D.P., Lihai Hu, Thomas, S.J., 2018. Stable isotope ecology of black rhinos (Diceros bicornis) in Kenya. Oecologia 187 (4): 1095-1105


Anderson, T.M.; Ngoti, P.M.; Nzunda, M.L.; Griffith, D.M.; Speed, J.D.M.; Fossoy, F.; Roskaft, E.; Graae, B.J., 2018. The burning question: does fire affect habitat selection and forage preference of the black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis in East African savannahs?. Oryx 2018 first view: 1-10


Zulfiqri; Andre, G.A.; Khairani, K.O.; Mahmud, R.; Lukitaningsih, D., 2018. Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) disease surveillance in the area that adjacents to the Ujung Kulon National Park as the habitat for the Javan Rhinoceroses (Rhinoceros sondaicus) [poster]. Hemera Zoa: Proceedings of the 20th FAVA & the 15th KIVNAS PDHI 2018: 511-512


Anderson, N., 2018. Zimbawe: All in a day's work at the Lowveld Rhino Trust. The Horn (Save the Rhino International) 2018: 22


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Setiawan, R.; Gerber, B.; Ujang Mamat Rahmat; Daryang, D.; Firdaus, A.Y.; Haryono, M.; Khairani, K.O.; Kurniawan, Y.; Long, B.; Lyet, A.; and 7 others, 2017. Preventing global extinction of the Javan Rhino: Tsunami risk and future conservation direction. Conservation Letters 11 (1) : 1-9 -


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Everatt, K.T. ; Andresen, L.; Ripple, W.J. ; Kerley, G.I.H., 2016. Write back: Rhino poaching may cause atypical trophic cascades. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14 (2): 65-67


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Hammond, E. E.; Anderson, C.E.; Mikolajczak, M.R.; Kirschner, S.M.; Johnson, G.L.; Garner, M.M., 2015. Rhinoplasty: management of a fibromyxosarcoma in the horn of a southern White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians 2015: 122-123


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Andreescu, I.; Codrea, V.; Lubenescu, V.; Munteanu, T.; Petculescu, A.; Stiuca, E. ; Terzea, E. , 2013. New developments in the Upper Pliocene-Pleistocene stratigraphic units of the Dacian Basin (Eastern Paratethys), Romania. Quaternary International 284: 15-29, 10 figs.


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Anderson-Lederer, R.M.; Linklater, W.L.; Ritchie, P.A., 2012. Limited mitochondrial DNA variation within South Africa's black rhino (Diceros bicornis minor) population and implications for management. African Journal of Ecology 2012: 1-10 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2028.2012.01333.x)


Candra, D.; Radcliffe, R.W.; Andriansyah; Khan, M.; I-Hsien Tsu; Paglia, D.E., 2012. Browse diversity and iron loading in captive sumatran rhinoceroses (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis): a comparison of sanctuary and zoological populations . Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 43 (3s): S66-S73


Anderson, C., 2012. Surveillance for anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) sympatric with the Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) population in Ujung Kulon National Park, Indonesia. Report to Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, pp. 1-2


Andreescu, I.; Codrea, V.; Enache, C.; Lubenescu, V.; Munteanu, T.; Petculescu, A.; Stiuca, E.; Terzea, E., 2011. Reassessment of the Pliocene/Pleistocene (Neogene/Quaternary) boundary in the Dacian Basin (Eastern Paratethys), Romania. Studii si comunicari (Stiintele Naturii), Muzeul Olteniei, Craiova, Oltenia; 27 (1): 197-220, figs 1-11.


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Andres-Bruemmer, D., 2011. Zu den Beitraegen uber nashornwilderei. ZGF-Gorilla 2011 (4): 6


Andreescu, I.; Codrea, V.; Enache, C.; Lubenescu, V.; Munteanu, T.; Petculescu, A.; Stiuca, E.; Terzea, E., 2011. Reassessment of the Pliocene/Pleistocene (Neogene/Quaternary) boundary in the Dacian Basin (Eastern Paratethys), Romania. Studii si comunicari. Stiintele Naturii, Muzeul Olteniei, Craiova, Oltenia; 27 (1): 197-220, 11 figs.


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Anderson-Lederer, R.M.; Ritchie, P.; Linklater, W.L., 2009. The genetic rescue of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis): redressing translocation bias for longer-term meta-population management. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin: p. 19


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