Search results for References by topsell, e.
Topsell, E., 1658. The history of four-footed beasts and serpents. [etc] The whole revised, corrected, and inlarged with the addition of two useful physical tables by J.R. [John Rowland]. London, G.Sawbridge, T.Williams and T.Johnston, pp. [12], 818, [18], 889-1130, [2]


Topsell, E., 1607. The history of four-footed beastes: describing the true and lively figure of every beast, with a discourse of their several names, conditions, kindes, vertues (both naturall and medicinall), countries of their breed, their love and hate to mankinde, and the wondefull worke of God in their creation, preservation and destuction. London, William Iaggard, pp. i-xli, 1-759, i-x


Topsell, E., 1607. The history of four-footed beastes: describing the true and lively figure of every beast, with a discourse of their several names, conditions, kindes, vertues (both naturall and medicinall), countries of their breed, their love and hate to mankinde, and the wondefull worke of God in their creation, preservation and destuction. London, William Iaggard, pp. i-xli, 1-759, i-x
