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Search results for References by smithers, r.
Smithers, R.H.N.; Skinner, J.D.; Chimimba, C.T., 2005. The mammals of the southern African subregion, 3rd edition. Pretoria, University of Pretoria


Smithers, R.H.N., 1992. Land mammals of Southern Africa: a field guide. Revised edition. Johannesburg, MacMillan South Africa, pp. i-xxiv, 1-229


Skinner, J.D.; Smithers, R.H.N., 1990. The mammals of the southern African subregion, new edition. Pretoria, University of Pretoria, pp. i-xxxii, 1-771


Smithers, R.H.N., 1986. South African Red Data Book - terrestrial mammals. Report South African National Scientific Programmes 125: pp. i-ix, 1-214


Smithers, R.H.N., 1986. Land mammals of Southern Africa: a field guide. Johannesburg, MacMillan South Africa, pp. i-xxv, 1-229


Smithers, R.H.N., 1983. The mammals of the southern African subregion. Pretoria, University of Pretoria


Smithers, R.H.N.; Tello, J.L.P.L., 1976. Check list and atlas of the mammals of Mozambique. Salisbury, Trustees of the National Museum of Rhodesia, pp. i-viii, 1-184


Smithers, R.H.N., 1971. The mammals of Botswana. Salisbury, Trustees of the National Museum of Rhodesia, pp. i-xi, 1-340


Smithers, R.H.N., 1971. The mammals of Botswana. Dissertation presented to the University of Pretoria, pp. i-xi, 1-340


Smithers, R.H.N., 1968. A checklist and atlas of the mammals of Botswana. Salisbury, Trustees of the National Museum of Rhodesia, pp. i-iv, 1-169


Smithers, R.H.N., 1966. The mammals of Rhodesia, Zambia and Malawi. London, Collins


Smithers, R., 1960. Mammals, birds, fishes, reptiles and insects: pp. 196-199

 In: Brelsford, W.V. Handbook to the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Salisbury, Government Press: pp. i-vii, 1-803


Smithers, R.H.N., 1959. The Kariba lake. Oryx 5 (1): 21-24


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