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Search results for References by smith, andrew
Smith, Andrew, 1825. Zuid-Afrikaansch Museum, No. 3: Lijst van giften. Kaapstads Courant en Afrikaansche Berigter 20 no. 1028 (Vrydag 23 September 1825): 1, column 2 [Dutch of: South African Museum, No. 3. Cape Town Gazette and African Advertiser, Friday 23 September 1825.]


Smith, Andrew, 1825. Zuid-Afrikaansch Museum, No. 4: Lijst van giften. Kaapstads Courant en Afrikaansche Berigter 20 no. 1034 (Vrydag 4 November 1825): 1, column 1 [Dutch of: South African Museum, No. 4. Cape Town Gazette and African Advertiser, Friday 4 November 1825.]


Smith, Andrew, 1825. Zuid-Afrikaansch Museum. Kaapstads Courant en Afrikaansche Berigter 20 no. 1038 (Vrydag 2 December 1825): 1, column 2 [Dutch of: South African Museum: [Information on Capels]. Cape Town Gazette and African Advertiser, Friday 2 December 1825.]


Smith, Andrew, 1825. Zuid-Afrikaansch Museum. Kaapstads Courant en Afrikaansche Berigter 20 no. 1041 (Vrydag 23 December 1825): 1, column 3 [Dutch of: South African Museum. Cape Town Gazette and African Advertiser, Friday 23 December 1825]


Smith, Andrew, 1825. Museum. Nederduitsch Zuid-Afrikaansch Tijdschrift 2 no. 3 (May-June): 212-213

Smith, Andrew, 1825. South African Museum, No. 1: List of articles which have been presented to the Museum, with the names of the respective donors. Cape Town Gazette and African Advertiser Friday 8 July 1825


Smith, Andrew, 1823. Report of cases treated at the Ophthalmic Hospital, Chatham [part 4]. Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal 19 (no. 74): 13-26


Smith, Andrew, 1822. Report of cases treated at the Ophthalmic Hospital, Chatham [part 3]. Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal 18 (no. 72): 509-519


Smith, Andrew, 1822. Letter to Dr. Thomson from Andrew Smith, M.D. Hospital Assistant, containing an account of cases of secondary small-pox. In: Thomson, John. Historical sketch of the opinions entertained by medical men respecting the varieties and the secondary occurrence of small-pox, Appendix, pp. 1-48


Smith, Andrew, 1821. Report of cases treated at the Ophthalmic Hospital, Chatham [part 2]. Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal 17 (no. 69): 495-509


Smith, Andrew, 1821. Report of cases treated at the Ophthalmic Hospital, Chatham [part 1]. Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal 17 (no. 68): 349-375


Smith, Andrew, 1819. Dissertatio medica inauguralis de variolis secundariis (thesis on smallpox). Edinburgh, Excudebat P. Neill, pp. [1-3], 1-31


Smith, Andrew, 1819. Case of malformation of the kidneys. Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal 15 (no.68), 90-92, plate 1


Smith, L.F., 1816. An account of a hunting party of the late Nawab Usuf-ad-Dowlah. Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register 1: 539-542


Smith, T., 1806. The naturalist's cabinet: containing interesting sketches of animal history. London, James Cundee, vol. 1


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