Search results for References by shrader, a.
Lange, C.J. De; Bonnet, O.; Shrader, A.M., 2024. Effect of rainfall on white rhino calf survival depends on home range choice of the mother. Journal of Mammalogy 105 (3): 502-511 -


Cinkova, I.; Shrader, A.M., 2022. Individuality, species-specific features, and female discrimination of male southern white rhinoceros courtship calls. Animal Cognition 2022: 1-14 -


Shrader, A.M., 2022. Counting the costs of White rhino poaching: we are likely underestimating the indirect and long-term impacts. Animal Conservation 25 (2): 166-167 - https://doi: 10.1111/acv.12781


Nhleko, Z.N.; Shrader, A.M.; Ferreira, S.M.; McCleery, R.A., 2022. White rhinos and other herbivores decrease visitations and increase vigilance in response to human vocalizations. Journal of Mammalogy 2022: 1-9 -


Marneweck, C.; Juergens, A.; Shrader, A.M., 2019. The first report of urine overmarking of pro-oestrus female dung by a male white rhino. African Zoology 54 (3): 175-179


Marneweck, C.; Juergens, A.; Shrader, A.M., 2019. Author correction: Temporal variation of white rhino dung odours. Journal of Chemical Ecology 45: 423-427


Marneweck, C.; Juergens, A.; Shrader, A.M., 2018. The role of middens in white rhino olfactory communication. Animal Behaviour 140: 7-18


Marneweck, C.; Juergens, A.; Shrader, A.M., 2018. Ritualised dung kicking by white rhino males amplifies olfactory signals but reduces odour duration. Journal of Chemical Ecology 44 (10): 875–885


Marneweck, C.; Juergens, A.; Shrader, A.M., 2017. Dung odours signal sex, age, territorial and oestrous state in white rhinos. Proceedings of the Royal Society - series B 284: 1-9


Marneweck, C.; Juergens, A.; Shrader, A.M., 2017. Temporal variation of white rhino dung odours. Journal of Chemical Ecology 43 (10): 955-965


Linklater, W.L.; Shrader, A., 2017. Rhino management challenges: spatial and social ecology for habitat and population management. In J. Cromsigt, S. Archibald, & N. Owen-Smith (eds.), Conserving Africa's mega-diversity in the Anthropocene: the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi park story, pp. 265-285 - doi:10.1017/9781139382793.016


Marneweck, C.; Juergens, A.; Shrader, A.M., 2016. White rhino olfactory communication and the potential for odor manipulation (abstract). In: Scientific program of the 15th International Elephant & Rhino conservation and research symposium, Singapore, November 14-18, 2016, p. 39


Cinkova, I.; Shrader, A.M., 2016. Rival assessment by territorial southern white rhinoceros males via eavesdropping on the contact and courtship calls. Animal Behaviour 166: 19–31.


Shrader, A.M.; Post, J.F.; Hagenah, N.; Bateman, P.W., 2013. Is a reduction in the individual vigilance of mothers a key evolutionary driver of group formation in white rhinos?. African Zoology 48 (1): 109-114


Shrader, A.M.; Owen-Smith, R.N.; Ogutu, J.O., 2006. How a mega-grazer copes with the dry season: food and nutrient intake rates by white rhinoceros in the wild. Functional Ecology 20: 376-384, figs. 1-7


Shrader, A.M.; Perrin, M.R., 2006. Influence of density on the seasonal utilization of broad grassland types by white rhinoceroses. African Zoology 41 (2): 312-315, fig.1


Landman, M.; Shrader, A.M.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2006. A habitat suitability assessment for the introduction of black rhinoceros and mountain zebra to the Namaqua National Park and Upland priority region in the Succulent Karoo biome. Terrestrial Ecology Research Unit (Port Elizabeth), Report no. C110: pp. 1-31


Shrader, A.M., 2003. Use of food and space by white rhinos. Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy: pp. 1-190


Shrader, A.M.; Owen-Smith, R.N., 2002. The role of companionship in the dispersal of white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 52: 255-261, figs. 1-4, tables 1-3


Shrader, A.M.; Beauchamp, B, 2001. A new method for implanting radio transmitters into the horns of black and white rhinoceroses. Pachyderm 30: 81-86, figs. 1-6


Shrader, A.M., 1996. Monitoring the movements of Umfolozi's white rhinos. REF News no. 16: 3, figs. 1-2
