Search results for References by schepartz, l.a.
Schepartz, L.A.; Miller-Antonio, S., 2010. Large mammal exploitation in Late Middle Pleistocene China: a comparison of rhinoceros & stegodonts at Panxian Dadong. Before Farming 2010 (4) article 2: 1-14


Schepartz, L.A.; Miller-Antonio, S., 2008. Taphonomy, life history, and human exploitation of Rhinoceros sinensis at the Middle Pleistocene site of Panxian Dadong, Guizhou, China. International Journal of Osteoarcheology 2008: 1-16


Miller-Antonio, Sari; Schepartz, L.A.; Bakken, D., 2000. Raw material selection and evidence for rhinoceros tooth tools at Dadong Cave, southern China. Antiquity 74: 372-379


Schepartz, L.A.; Miller-Antonio, S.; Bakken, D.A., 2000. Upland resources and the early Palaeolithic occupation of Southern China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Burma. World Archaeology 32 (1): 1-13
