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Search results for References by roth, t.l.
Radcliffe, R.W.; Radcliffe, R.M.; Roth, T.L.; Troedsson, M.H.T.; Radcliffe, C.H., 2002. Sumatran rhino reproductive and health assessment, March 3 to 15, 2002. Sungei Dusun, Selangor, Sumatran Rhino Conservation Centre, pp. 1-46


Roth, T.L., 2002. The birth of Andalas - a spark of hope for an imperiled species. Proceedings of the seminar and workshop on new techniques and management approaches to optimize animal reproduction and health, Bogor, 9 March, 5 pp.


Roth, T.L.; Jenike, D., 2001. A spark of hope for an imperiled (Sumatran rhino) species. AZA Communique November: front cover, 5-6, figs. 6


Brown, J.L.; Bellem, A.C.; Fouraker, M.; Wildt, D.E.; Roth, T.L., 2001. Comparative analysis of gonadal and adrenal activity in the black and white rhinoceros in North America by noninvasive endocrine monitoring. Zoo Biology 20 (6): 463-486, figs. 1-12, table 1


Roth, T.L.; O'Brien, J.K.; MacRae, M.A.; Bellem, A.C.; Romo, S.J.; Kroll, J.L.; Brown, J.L., 2001. Ultrasound and endocrine evaluation of the ovarian cycle and early pregnancy in the Sumatran rhinoceros, Dicerorhinus sumatrensis. Reproduction 121: 139-149, figs. 1-5, table 1


Roth, T.L., 2001. The role of reproductive research and technology in facilitating captive breeding programs for the rhinoceros. Proceedings of the Symposium on Assisted Reproductive Technology for the Conservation and Genetic Management of Wildlife, Omaha 2001: 25-30


Roth, T.L., 2001. Have we thought of everything. Wildlife Explorer, Cincinnati 7 (6): 12-13, figs. 1-3


Roth, T.L., 2001. Sumatran rhino reproductive evaluations: Sungai Dusun, Malaysia, March 2001. Sungei Dusun, Selangor, Sumatran Rhino Conservation Centre, [1-20]


O'Brien, J.K.; Roth, T.L., 2000. Post-coital sperm recovery and cryopreservation in the Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) and application to gamete rescue in the African black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis). Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 118 (2): 263-271, figs. 1-2, tables 1-3


Roth, T.L., 2000. Rhino reproductive physiology - what we know today and what we need to know tomorrow for ensuring the long-term stability of our captive breeding programs. Proceedings of the Rhino Keepers Workshop 1: 1-3


Roth, T.L.; O'Brien, J.K., 2000. Ultrasonographic characterization of unique follicular dynamics and associated estrogen production in an Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis). Biology of Reproduction 62 (Suppl. 1): 290


Roth, T.L.; Brown, J.L., 1999. Is there any rhyme or reason to rhinoceros reproduction? - a summary of reproductive characteristics, species-specificities and challenges for the future. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians 1999: 97-99


Khan, M.; Roth, T.L.; Foose, T.J., 1999. In situ and ex situ efforts to save the Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis): pp. 163-174, figs. 1-4, tables 1-3

 In: Roth, T.L. et al. Seventh world conference on breeding endangered species: linking zoo and field research to advance conservation. Cincinnati, Zoo


Roth, T.L.; Swanson, W.F.; Blattman, L.K., 1999. Seventh world conference on breeding endangered species: linking zoo and field research to advance conservation. Cincinnati, Zoo


Roth, T.L., 1999. Rhino reproductive physiology - what we know and what we need to know tomorrow for ensuring the long-term stability of our captive breeding programs: pp. 49-51

 In: Mehrdadfar, F. et al. Proceedings of the First Rhino Keepers' workshop 1999, sponsored by Disney's Animal Kingdom. [No place], Rhino Keepers Workshop


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