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Search results for References by parsons, j.
Parsons, J., 1768. Discoveries concerning the rhinoceros justified. Gentlemen's Magazine 38: 268-269


Parsons, J., 1768. A letter on the double horn of the rhinoceros. Annual Register, London 1767: 79-81


Parsons, J., 1768. A letter on the double horn of the rhinoceros. London Magazine, or gentleman's monthly intelligencer 37: 40-41, pl.1


Parsons, J., 1768. A letter from James Parsons, M. D. F. R. S. to the Right Honourable the Earl of Morton, President of the Royal Society; on the double horns of the rhinoceros. London Magazine, or, Gentleman's monthly intelligencer 37: 40-41, pl.I


Parsons, J., 1767. On the double horns of the rhinoceros. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 56: 32-34, table 2


Parsons, J., 1767. Letter on the double horns of the rhinoceros, illustrating a contested Passage in Martial. Royal Magazine 1767 September: 136


Parsons, J., 1761. The natural history of the rhinoceros. British Magazine, or, Monthly repository for gentlemen 1761: 128-130, pl.I


Parsons, J., 1760. Lettre a M. Martin Folkes, Ecuyer, President de la Societ Royale, contenant l'histoire du rhinoceros. Lue le 20 Juin 1743. Transactions Philosophiques 42 (470) [for 1743]: 237-254, pls. I, I*, II, III [translated by DeMours]


Parsons, J., 1760. Lettre a M. Martin Folkes, Ecuyer, President de la Societ Royale, contenant l'histoire du rhinoceros. Lue le 20 Juin 1743. Transactions Philosophiques 42 (470) [for 1743]: 237-254, pls. I, I*, II, III [translated by DeMours]


Parsons, J., 1747. Description of the rhinoceros, represented at Fig. VII on the plate in April Magazine. Gentleman's Magazine 1747 May 17: 207-210


Parsons, J., 1747. Die Natürliche Historie des Nashorns, welche von Doctor Parsons in einem Schreiben an Martin Folkes, Rittern und Praesidenten der Koniglich-Englischen Societat, abgefasset, mit zuverlaessigen Abbildungen versehen. Nürnberg, Stein und Raspe, pp. 1-16, pls. 1-3


Parsons, J., 1747. Die Natürliche Historie des Nashorns, welche von Doctor Parsons in einem Schreiben an Martin Folkes, Rittern und Praesidenten der Koniglich-Englischen Societat, abgefasset, mit zuverlaessigen Abbildungen versehen. Nürnberg, Stein und Raspe, pp. 1-16, pls. 1-3


Parsons, J., 1743. A letter containing the natural history of the rhinoceros. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 42 (470): 523-541, pls. 1-3


Parsons, J.; Douglas, J., 1739. Minutes of the meeting of the Royal Society of London of 24 June 1739, with exhibition of rhinoceros. Minute Book of Royal Society: pp. 1-3


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