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Search results for References by oconnor
OConnor, 1986. Activity cycles of the southern white rhinoceros Ceratotherium s. simum in captivity; implications for management. International Zoo Yearbook 24/25: 297-303, figs. 1-3, table 1


OConnor, D., 1980. India's armored giants. Wildlife 22 (3): 40-42, 4 plates


OConnor, F., 1940. Things mortal. London, Hodder and Stoughton, pp. 1-260


OConnor, F., 1935. A trip to Nepal. Country Life 78 (1935-06-15): 613-615


OConnor, F., 1931. On the frontier and beyond: a record of thirty years' service. London, J. Murray , pp. i-xiv, 1-335


OConnor, 1904. The silken East; a record of life and travel in Burma. London, Hutchinson, vol. 2


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