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Search results for References by moresco, a.
Moresco, A.; OBrien, J.K.; Wojtusik, J.; Stoops, M.A., 2024. Sperm collection in rhinoceros via urethral catheterization. Theriogenology Wild 4 (100090): 1-7 -


Abegglen, L.M.; Harrison, T.M.; Moresco, A.; Fowles, J.S.; Troan, B.V.; Kiso, W.K.; Schmitt, D.; Boddy, A.M.; Schiffman, J.D., 2022. Of Elephants and other mammals: A comparative review of reproductive tumors and potential impact on conservation. Animals ( 12, 2005 (published 8 August 2022): 1-18. 3 tables,


Stoops, M.; Moresco, A.; O'Brien, J.; Penfold, L.; Gillis, J.; Wojtusik, J.; Metrione, L., 2021. Overcoming reproductive disorders in female greater one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) to improve artificial insemination and natural breeding success. Clinical Theriogenology 13 (4) Dec: 394-401


Moresco, A.; Larsen, R. Scott; Boon, D.; O'Brien, J.K.; Stoops, M.A., 2015. Semen collection in Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) via urethral catheterization. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians 2015: 170-171


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