Search results for References by matthew, w.d.
Matthew, W.D., 1932. A review of the rhinoceroses with a description of Aphelops material from the pliocene of Texas. University of Cailfornia Publications in Geological Sciences (20) 12: 411-481, pls. 61-79, figs. 1-12, table 1.


Matthew, W.D., 1932. A review of the rhinoceroses with a description of Aphelops material from the pliocene of Texas. University of Cailfornia Publications in Geological Sciences (20) 12: 411-481, pls. 61-79, figs. 1-12, table 1.


Matthew, W.D., 1931. Critical observations on the phylogeny of the rhinoceros. University of California Publications in Geological Science 20: 1-9, figs. 1-2


Matthew, W.D., 1929. Critical observations upon Siwalik mammals. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, New York 56 (7): 437-560


Matthew, W.D., 1929. Critical observations upon Siwalik mammals. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, New York 56 (7): 437-560


Matthew, W.D., 1929. Critical observations upon Siwalik mammals. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, New York 56 (7): 437-560


Matthew, W.D., 1929. Critical observations upon Siwalik mammals. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, New York 56 (7): 437-560


Matthew, W.D.; Granger, W., 1923. New fossil mammals from the Pliocene of Sze-Chuan, China. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 48: 563-598.


Matthew, W.D.; Granger, W., 1923. New fossil mammals from the Pliocene of Sze-Chuan, China. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 48: 563-598.


Matthew, W.D.; Granger, W., 1923. New fossil mammals from the Pliocene of Sze-Chuan, China. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 48: 563-598.


Matthew, W.D.; Granger, W., 1923. New fossil mammals from the Pliocene of Sze-Chuan, China. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 48: 563-598.


Matthew, W.D.; Granger, W., 1923. New fossil mammals from the Pliocene of Sze-Chuan, China. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 48: 563-598.


Matthew, W.D.; Granger, W., 1923. New fossil mammals from the Pliocene of Sze-Chuan, China. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 48: 563-598.


Matthew, W.D., 1918. Contributions to the Snake Creek Fauna with notes upon the Pleistocene of Western Nebraska American Museum Expedition of 1916. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 38 (article VII): 183-229, figs 1-20, Pls IV-X.


Matthew, W.D., 1918. Contributions to the Snake Creek Fauna with notes upon the Pleistocene of Western Nebraska American Museum Expedition of 1916. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 38 (article VII): 183-229, figs 1-20, Pls IV-X.


Matthew, W.D., 1917. Absence of pollex in Perissodactyla. Bulletin of American Museum of Natural History 37: 573-577


Cope, E.D.; Matthew, W.D., 1915. Hitherto unpublished plates of tertiary mammalia and permian vertebrata prepared under the direction of Edward Drinker Cope for the US Geological Survey of the Territories with a description of the plates by William Diller Matthew. American Museum Natural History Monograph series no. 2: 1-2, pls. 125-144b


Matthew, W.D., 1909. Cenozoic Mammal Horizons of Western North America with faunal lists of the Tertiary Mammalia of the West. United States Geological Survey Bulletin, Government Printing Office, Washington; 361: 138 pp., 15 figs, numerous tabs.
