Search results for References by manuel
Sanchez-Barreiro, F.; Gopalakrishnan, S.; Ramos-Madrigal, J.; Westbury, M.V. ; Manuel,; Margaryan, A.; Ciucani, M.C. ; Vieira, F.G.; Patramanis, Y.; Kalthoff, D.C.; Timmons, Z.; Sicheritz-Pontén, T.; Dalén, L.; Ryder, O.A.; Zhang, G.; Marquès-Bonet, T.; Moodley, Y.; Gilbert, M.T.P., 2023. Historical population declines prompted significant genomic erosion in the northern and southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum). Molecular Ecology 40 (9):msad180: 1-19 -


Radcliffe, R.W.; Jago, M.; Morkel, P.; Morkel, E.; DuPreez, P.; Beytell, P.; Kotting, B.; Manuel, B.; DuPreez, J.H.; Miller, M.A.; Felippe, J., Parry, S.A., Gleed, R.D., 2021. The pulmonary and metabolic effects of suspension by the feet compared with lateral recumbency in immobilized black rhinoceroses (Diceros bicornis) captured by aerial darting. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 57 (2): 357–367 -


Manuel, J., 2015. The antecedent’s diverse influences on and by Vaishnava Art, as perceptible from the times of Copper Anthropomorphic Figures. Journal of Religious History South Asia A-1, 1-60


Manuel, J., 2008. Depiction of rhinoceros: transition from popular art to state sponsored art. In: Mani, B.R. & Tripathi, A. (eds), Expressions in Indian art: essays in memory of Shri M.C. Joshi. Delhi, Agam Kala Prakashan, vol. 1, pp. 33-38


Manuel, J., 2007. Portrayal of rhinoceros in art: some questions. In: Reddy, P.C. ed., Exploring the mind of ancient man (Festschrift to Robert G. Bednarik). New Delhi, Research India Press, pp. 232-238, figs. 1-3


Manuel, J., 2006. Cohabitation of rhinoceros and man in the Narmada Valley. Journal of Academy of Indian Numismatics and Sigillography 21-22 (special number on Narmada Valley Culture and Civilization, edited by S.K. Bhatt): 629-636


Manuel, J., 2005. Harappan environment as one variable in the preponderance of rhinoceros and paucity of horse. Puratattva 35: 21-27


Manuel, 1892. The authentic history of Captain Castagnette, nephew of the "Man with the wooden head". Illustrated with forty-three pictures by Gustave Doré. Derby, F. Murray, pp. 1-62


Manuel, 1864. Histoire aussi interessante qu'invraisembable de l'intrepide capitaine Castagnette, neveu de l'homme a la tete de bois. Journal pour tous: Magasin litteraire illustre no. 659 (23 January 1864): 520-522, 528


Manuel, 1862. Histoire aussi interessante qu'invraisembable de l'intrepide capitaine Castagnette, neveu de l'homme a la tete de bois. Illustree de 43 vignettes sur bois par Gustave Doré. Paris, L. Hachette et Cie, pp. 1-78
