Search results for References by loennberg, e.
Loennberg, E., 1920. En hvit noshoerning fran 1845 uppstalld i Riksmuseet. Fauna och Flora 15: 193-203, pl. 1


Loennberg, E., 1920. En hvit noshoerning fran 1845 uppstalld i Riksmuseet. Fauna och Flora 15: 193-203, pl. 1


Loennberg, E., 1912. Mammals collected by the Swedish zoological expedition to British East Africa 1911. Kg Svenska Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar 48 (5): 1-188, pls. 1-15, figs. 1-5


Loennberg, E., 1912. Anatomical notes on mammals obtained in British East Africa by the Swedisch Zoological expedition 1911, part 1. Kg Svenska Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar 49 (7): 1-33, pls. 1-2, figs. 1-3
