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Search results for References by linklater, w.l.
Linklater, W.L.; Gedir, J.V.; Law, P.R.; Swaisgood, R.R.; Adcock, K.; Du Preez, P.; Knight, M.H.; Kerley, G.I.H., 2012. Translocations as experiments in the ecological resilience of an asocial mega-herbivore. PLoS One 7 (1) (e30664): 1-6


Anderson-Lederer, R.M.; Linklater, W.L.; Ritchie, P.A., 2012. Limited mitochondrial DNA variation within South Africa's black rhino (Diceros bicornis minor) population and implications for management. African Journal of Ecology 2012: 1-10 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2028.2012.01333.x)


Linklater, W.L.; Adcock, K.; Preez, P.du; Swaisgood, R.R.; Law, P.R.; Knight, M.H.; Gedir, J.V.; Kerley, G.H.I., 2011. Guidelines for large herbivore translocation simplified: black rhinoceros case study. Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (2): 493-502


Plotz, R.D.; Linklater, W.L., 2011. Interaction biodiversity underpins a novel parasitic-mutualism between black rhinoceros and red-billed oxpeckers. Proceedings of 25th International Confress of Conservation Biology, 2011 Auckland, p. 130


Linklater, W.L.; MacDonald, E.A.; Flamand, J.R.B.; Czekala, N.N., 2011. Translocation of rhinoceros associated with distress and poor reproductive functioning. Connect (AZA) March: 7-8, 1 image


Plotz, R.D.; Linklater, W.L., 2010. Red-billed oxpeckers really do increase predator awareness in black rhinoceros. Proceedings of the International Behavioral Ecology Congress (ISBE), Perth Convention Exhibition Centre, Western Australia, 1st October, p. 133


Linklater, W.L.; MacDonald, E.A.; Flamand, J.R.B.; Czekala, N.M., 2010. Declining and low fecal corticoids are associated with distress, not acclimation to stress, during the translocation of African rhinoceros. Animal Conservation 13 (1): 104-111


Linklater, W.L.; Plotz, R.D.; Kerley, G.H.I.; Brashares, J.S.; Lent, P.C.; Cameron, E.Z.; Law, P.R.; Hitchins, P.M., 2010. Dissimilar home range estimates for black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis cannot be used to infer habitat change. Oryx 44 (1): 16-18


Berkeley, E.V.; Linklater, W.L., 2010. Annual and seasonal variation in rainfall may influence progeny sex ratio in the black rhinoceros. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 40(1): 53-57


Linklater, W.L.; Hutcheson, I, 2010. Black rhinoceros are slow to colonize a harvested neighbour's range. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 40 (1): 58-63


Plotz, R.D.; Linklater, W.L., 2010. Interpreting and applying home range data: a case study with black rhinoceros. Proceedings of the Australasian Wildlife Management Society Annual Conference 2010 (Torquay): 27


Berkeley, E.V.; Linklater, W.L.; Dierenfeld, E.S., 2010. Dietary impact on circulating glucose profiles in the white rhinoceros. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 95 (2): 245-251


Anderson-Lederer, R.M.; Ritchie, P.; Linklater, W.L., 2009. The genetic rescue of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis): redressing translocation bias for longer-term meta-population management. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin: p. 19


Plotz, R.D.; Linklater, W.L., 2009. Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) calf succumbs after lion predation attempt: implications for conservation management. African Zoology 44 (2): 283–287


Linklater, W.L.; MacDonald, E.; Flammand, J.; Czekala, N., 2009. Corticoid concentrations are a misleading metric of animal welfare during management: tests during the translocation of African rhinoceros. Proceedings of the AWMS Annual Conference 2009 (Napier): 89


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