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Search results for References by kovalchuk, o.
Stefaniak, K.; Kovalchuk, O.; Ratajczak-Skrzatek, U.; Kropczyk, A.; Mackiewicz, P.; Klys, G.; Krajcarz, M.; Krajcarz, M.T.; Nadachowski, A.; Lipecki, G.; Karbowski, K., Ridush, B., Sabol, M., Plonka, T. , 2023. Chronology and distribution of Central and Eastern European Pleistocene rhinoceroses (Perissodactyla, Rhinocerotidae) – A review. Quaternary International 674-675: 87-108 - doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2023.02.004


Stefaniak, K.; Kovalchuk, O. ; Marciszak, A.; Sobczyk, A.; Socha, P., 2023. Environmental conditions across Poland during the Eemian Interglacial reconstructed from vertebrate remains. Acta Geologica Polonica 20: 1-32, 1 fig, 10 tabs - DOI: 10.24425/agp.2023.145621


Krakhmalnaya, T.V.; Kovalchuk, O.M.; Derkach, T.G., 2019. Rhinoceroses from the paleontological collection of the Zaporozhye Regional Museum of Local History (Ukraine). Culegere Simpozion 2018: pp. 83-91


Krakhmalnaya, T.V.; Kovalchuk, O.M.; Derkach, T.G., 2018. Rhinoceroses from the paleontological collection of the Zaporozhye Regional Museum of local history (Ukraine) systematic and ecological diversity. From: International Symposium Functional Ecology of Animals Academy of Sciences Moldova, Chisinau 21 Sept 2018: 83-90 https://doi:10.53937/9789975315975.13


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