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Search results for References by johnson, r.
Ewart, K.M.; Frankham, G.J.; MacEwing, R.; Dang Tat The; Hogg, C.J.; Wade, C.; Lo, N.; Johnson, R.N., 2018. A rapid multiplex PCR assay for presumptive species identification of rhinoceros horns and its implementation in Vietnam. PLoS One 13 (6):e0198565. 1-10


Ewart, K.M.; Frankham, G.J.; MacEwing, R.; Webster, L.M.I.; Ciavaglia, S.A.; Linacre, A.M.T.; Dang Tat The; Ovouthan, K.; Johnson, R.N., 2017. An internationally standardized species identification test for use on suspected seized rhinoceros horn in the illegal wildlife trade. Forensic Science International: Genetics 32: 33-39


Ueland, M.; Ewart, K.; Troobnikoff, A.N.; Frankham, G.; Johnson, R.N.; Forbes, S.L., 2016. A rapid chemical odour profiling method for the identification of rhinoceros horns. Forensic Science International 2016: 1-4


Johnson, R., 2015. Facility focus: Disney's Animal Kingdom. Paper presented at the 2015 Rhino Keeper Workshop heldin Chester, UK: pp. 1-12


Cosens, L.; Crowley, M.; Johnson, R.; Wulff, M., 2009. The oldest of the old. Animal Keeper’s Forum 36 (4/5): 150-155


Johnson, R.F., 2003. Reverie and reality: nineteenth-century photographs of India from the Ehrenfeld Collection. San Francisco, CA, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, pp. i-xii, 1-188

Johnson, R.; Doward, N.; Duckett, W.; Beare, N., 1991. Chete black rhino expedition to Zimbabwe. Journal Cambridge University Explorers and Travelers Club 26: 25-28, fig. 1


Johnson, R.; Doward, N., 1991. Chete 1990: a Cambridge University expedition to Zimbabwe. Cambridge, Explorers and Travelers Club, pp. 1-159


Bean, E.; Johnson, R.H., 1944. Fecundity in the Chicago Zoo - its population is swelled by four births in 24 hours. Life Magazine 17 (15) Oct 9: 41-42,44, 6 images


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