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Search results for References by gunawan
Gunawan, H.; Ramono, W.S.; Gillison, A.; Isnan, W., 2012. Kajian sosial ekonomi dan persepsi masyarakat lokal terhadap (Assessment on socio-economics and perceptions of local communities on reintroduction of Javan rhinos). Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam 9 (4): 395-407


Ramono, W.; Isnan, M.W.; Sadjudin, H.R.; Gunawan, H.; Dahlan, E.N.; Sectionov; Pairah; Hariyadi, A.R.; Syamsudin, M.; Talukdar, B.K.; Gillison, A.N., 2009. Report on a second habitat assessment for the Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus sondaicus) within the island of Java. Yulee, International Rhino Foundation, pp. 1-85


Gunawan, 2001. Analisis biaya pembalakan ilegal di areal hutan konservasi (Studi kasus kelompok pembalak di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon, Sub Wilayah Konservasi Cibayoni, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Propinsi Banten). Dissertation presented to the University of Bogor, pp. 1-62


Gunawan, G., 1997. Konservasi badak bersama masyarakat. Media Konservasi 1997 Tahun: 87-90


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