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Search results for References by eyres, a.i.
Eyres, A.I.; Kennedy-Benson, A.M.; Radcliffe, R.W., 2002. Conditioning a southern black rhino (Diceros bicornis minor) for semen collection: pp. 84-92

 In: Aubery, L. et al. Proceedings of the [second] Rhino Keepers' Workshop 2001, Zoological Society of San Diego May 7-10, 2001. San Diego, Zoological Society


Radcliffe, R.W.; Eyres, A.I.; Patton, M.L.; Czekala, N.M.; Emslie, R.H., 2001. Ultrasonographic characterization of ovarian events and fetal gestational parameters in two southern black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis minor) and correlation to fecal progesterone. Theriogenology 55: 1033-1049, figs. 1-6


Radcliffe, R.W.; Osofsky, S.A.; Eyres, A.I., 1995. Design and applications of a 'free-stall' chute for passive restraint of the non-sedated White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). Proceedings of the AAZV, AAWV, WDA Joint Conference 1995: 378-382, figs. 1-3


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