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Search results for References by eloff, f.c.
Eloff, F.C., 1977. Kaokoland/ Damaraland - ecological baseline for conservation planning. WWF Yearbook 1976-1977: 87-89


Joubert, E.; Eloff, F.C., 1971. Notes on the ecology and behaviour of the black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis Linn. 1758 in South West Africa. Madoqua (1) 3: 5-53, pls. 1-24, figs. 1-10, map 1, tables 1-13


Joubert, E.; Eloff, F.C., 1971. Notes on the ecology and behaviour of the black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis Linn. 1758 in South West Africa. Madoqua (1) 3: 5-53, pls. 1-24, figs. 1-10, map 1, tables 1-13


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