Search results for References by dorsey, c.
Faust, L.; Long, S.; Theis, M.; Dorsey, C.; Lincoln Park Zoo (Chicago), 2011. - Evaluating the outcomes of SSP recommendations. Connect (AZA) November: 26-27, 1 image


Dorsey, C.L.; Dennis, P.; Fascetti, A.J.; Wood, T.; Brown, J.L., 2010. Hypoaminoacidemia is not associated with ulcerative lesions in black rhinoceroses. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 41 (1): 22-27


Dorsey, C.L.A., 2008. Investigating ulcerative lesions in captive black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis. Dissertation submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at George Mason University: 1-160
