Search results for References by borissiak, a.a.
Borissiak, A.A., 1927. Aceratherium depereti nov. sp. from the Jilanchik beds. Izvestya AN SSSR (Bulletin de l'Academie des Sciences de l'URSS) (6) 21 (5): 769-786


Borissiak, A.A., 1927. Brachypotherium aurelianense Nouel, var. nov. Gailiti, from the Miocene deposits of the Turgai region. Izvestya AN SSSR (Bulletin de l'Academie des Sciences de l'URSS) (6) 21: 273-286


Borissiak, A.A., 1927. On the Brachypotherium from the Jilanchik-beds of Turgay. Doklady AN SSSR (Paleontologya) 6: 93-94

Borissiak, A.A., 1924. Indricotherium and Baluchiterium. Doklady AN SSSR (Paleontologya) 1924 A: 148-149


Borissiak, A.A., 1924. Nouveaux matériaux concernant la sousfamille Indricotheriinae {English translation by R.H. Ruzich]. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg 18 (6): 127-150


Borissiak, A.A., 1923. O rode Indricotherium nov. gen. (sem. Rhinocerotidae) [On Indricotherium nov. gen. (sem. Rhinocerotidae)] [in Russian]. Zapiski Rossiyskoy AN po otdeleniem fiz-matematicheskikh nauk (8) 35 (6): 1-128


Borissiak, A.A., 1921. Sur la mandibule inférieure d’un petit rhinoceros des couches d’indricothérium de la province de Turgaj. Bulletin de l’Academie des Sciences de Russie (ser. 6) 15: 397-402


Borissiak, A.A., 1918. On the remains of a lophiodontoid ungulate from the Oligocene deposits of Turgay [Ob ostatkakh lofiodontoidnoy kopytny iz sloev Turgayskoy oblasti]. Ezhegodnik RPO 2, 27-31


Borissiak, A.A., 1917. Osteologya indrikoterya [Osteology of Indricotherium] [in Russian]. Izvestya Rossiyskoy AN (6) 11 94): 287-299


Borissiak, A.A., 1916. O zubnom apparate indricoterya [On the indricothere dental apparatus]. Izvestya Imperatorskoy Akademii Nauk 1916: 343-350


Borissiak, A.A., 1916. L'Indricotherium n.gen., Rhinocéros gigantesque du Paléogène d'Asie. Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 162: 520-522


Borissiak, A.A., 1915. Ob ostatkakh Epiaceratherium turgaicum nov. sp. [On remains of Epiaceratherium turgaicum nov. sp.]. Izvestya Rossiyskoy AN (6) 9 (8): 781-787


Borissiak, A.A., 1915. Nov'ya nakhodki ostatkov'' mlekopitayushchikh'' v'' tretichnikh'' otlozhenyakh'' Rossii [New finds of mammalian remains from Russian tertiary deposits]. Priroda 1915: 1136-1148, figs. 1-8


Borissiak, A.A., 1915. Ob ostatkakh Epiaceratherium turgaicum nov. sp. [On remains of Epiaceratherium turgaicum nov. sp.] [in Russian]. Izvestya Rossiyskoy AN (6) 9 (8): 781-787


Borissiak, A.A., 1914. O zubom apparate Elasmotherium caucasicum nov. sp. [Sur l’appareil dentaire de Elasmotherium caucasicum n. sp.] [Über den Zahnapparat von Elasmotherium caucasicum n. sp.]. Izvestya Rossiyskoy AN (6) 8 (9): 555-586


Borissiak, A.A., 1914. Sevastopol’skaya Fauna Mlekopitayushchikh – Mammifères fossiles de Sébastopol. Mémoires du Comité Géologique (NS) 87 (1-12): 1-154, pls.1-9


Borissiak, A.A., 1911. O sevastopol’skoy faune mlekopitayushchikh [On the Sevastopol' mammal fauna] [in Russian]. Izvestya Rossiyskoy AN (6) 5: 241-250
