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Search results for References by billia, e.m.
Billia, E.M.E.; Zervanová, J., 2015. Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from Vernasso (Udine, NE Italy) and other localities in adjacent areas with reports on Oligo-Mio-Pliocene rhinoceroses – An essai de synthèse. Gortania–Geologia, Paleontologia, Paletnologia (Atti del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale di Udine), Udine; 37: 43-63, 12 figs, 1 tab


Rookmaaker, L.C.; Rhino Resource Center; Ziegler, D.; Billia, E.M.; Monson, J.; Strien, W. van, 2014. New literature in the Rhino Resource Center. Electronic Newsletter of the Rhino Resource Center no. 34 (February): 1-14


Rookmaaker, L.C.; Rhino Resource Center; Ziegler, D.; Billia, E.M.; Monson, J.; Strien, W. van; Athanassiou, A., 2014. New literature in the Rhino Resource Center. Electronic Newsletter of the Rhino Resource Center no. 35 (May): 1-17


Rookmaaker, L.C.; Rhino Resource Center; Ziegler, D.; Billia, E.M.; Monson, J.; Strien, W. van; Athanassiou, A., 2014. New literature in the Rhino Resource Center. Electronic Newsletter of the Rhino Resource Center no. 36 (August): 1-17


Lobachev, YU.V.; Lobachev, A.YU.; Billia, E.M.E., 2014. Morfologicheskie i biomekhanicheskie osobennosti zhevatel’nogo apparata Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799) i Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) [Morphological and biomechanic features of the masticatory apparatus in Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799) and Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839)] [in Russian]. Materialy LX sessii Paleontol. Ob-stva “Diversifikazya i Etapnost’ Evolyuzii Organicheskogo Mira v Svete Paleontologicheskoy Letopisi”, Skt-Peterburg: pp. 168-170


Rookmaaker, L.C.; Rhino Resource Center; Ziegler, D.; Billia, E.M.; Monson, J.; Strien, W. van; Athanassiou, A., 2014. New literature in the Rhino Resource Center. Electronic Newsletter of the Rhino Resource Center no. 37 (November): 1-16


Persico, D.; Billia, E.M.E. ; Ravara, S.; Sala, B., 2014. The skull of Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from Spinadesco (Cremona, Lombardia, Northern Italy): morphological analyses and taxonomical remarks - An opportunity for revising the three other skulls from the Po Valley. Quaternary Science Reviews 109: 28-37, 3 figs, 1 tab, 2 pls


Billia, E.M.E., 2014. Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from European Russia – A new, detailed inventory of sites and referred material. Central European Geology, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest; 57 (2): 165-195, 5 figs [doi:10.1556/CEuGeol.57.2014.2.4]


Billia, E.M.E.; Zervanová J., 2014. New Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) records in Eurasia – Addenda to a previous work. Gortania (Atti del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale di Udine), Udine; 36: 55-68, 11 figs


Billia, E.M.E.; Zervanová, J., 2014. New Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (Jäger, 1839) (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) records in Eurasia. Gortania–Geologia, Paleontologia, Paletnologia 36: 39-52, 11 figs


Rookmaaker, L.C.; Rhino Resource Center; Ziegler, D.; Billia, E.M.; Monson, J.; Strien, W. van, 2013. New literature in the Rhino Resource Center. Electronic Newsletter of the Rhino Resource Center no. 30 (February): 1-20


Rookmaaker, L.C.; Rhino Resource Center; Ziegler, D.; Billia, E.M.; Monson, J.; Strien, W. van, 2013. New literature in the Rhino Resource Center. Electronic Newsletter of the Rhino Resource Center no. 31 (May): 1-22


Rookmaaker, L.C.; Rhino Resource Center; Ziegler, D.; Billia, E.M.; Monson, J.; Strien, W. van, 2013. New literature in the Rhino Resource Center. Electronic Newsletter of the Rhino Resource Center no. 32 (August): 1-15


Rookmaaker, L.C.; Rhino Resource Center; Ziegler, D.; Billia, E.M.; Monson, J.; Strien, W. van, 2013. New literature in the Rhino Resource Center. Electronic Newsletter of the Rhino Resource Center no. 33 (November): 1-16


Billia, E.M.E.; Ziegler, D., 2013. RHINOCEROTOIDEA Gray, 1825 (= Rhinocerotoidea Gill, 1872) – Bibliography of Selected Papers/Bibliografya/Références Bibliographiques/Bibliografía/Riferimenti Bibliografici – Addenda 2013. Studii si cercetari (s. Geology-Geography), Complexul Muzeal Bistrita-Nasaud (Natural Sciences Section), Bistrita; 18: 13-35


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