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Title: Reproductive non-seasonality in rhinoceroses: A review of the in-situ literature and birth records of ex-situ institutions
Author(s): Radeke-Auer, K.; Wittwer, A.; Aust, J.; Roller, M. ; Mueller, D.; Houwald, F. von; Steck, B.; Biddle, R.; Versteege, L.; Clauss, M.
Year published: 2022
Journal: Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
Volume: 10 (1)
Pages: 23-30 -
File: View PDF: 771,3 kb
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Mammals whose breeding activity is triggered by seasonal photoperiodic cues typically maintain seasonal reproduction in zoos, with births accumulating to various degrees in spring. For zoo-kept rhinoceroses, accumulation of births in autumn has been suggested, which would make this group unusual....

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