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Title: Palaeontological memoirs and notes of the late Hugh Falconer, A.M., M.D. Vice-President of the Royal Society; foreign Secretary of the Geological society of London; and for many years Superintendent of the H.E.I. Company's Botanical gardens at Suharunpoor and Calcutta. With a biographical sketch of the author
Author(s): Murchison, C.
Year published: 1868
Publisher: London, Robert Hardwicke
Volume: -
Pages: vol. 1: Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis
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Sub-References for this reference:

Murchison, C. 1868 Preface, pp. vii-xii

Murchison, C. 1868 Biographical sketch [of Hugh Falconer], pp. xxiii-liv

Murchison, C. 1868 On the species of fossil rhinoceros found in the Sewalik Hills, p. 157

Baker, W.E. et al. 1868 Description of the fossil rhinoceros of the Sewalik Hills [from: Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. 5 (1836)], pp. 158-169 [without plates]

Falconer, H. 1868 Description of fossil remains of rhinoceros in the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [collated from catalogue of 1859], pp. 169-172

Falconer, H. 1868 On the fossil rhinoceros of Central Tibet, and its relation to the recent upheaval of the Himalayahs: pp. 173-185, pl. 15

Falconer, H. 1868 Plate XIV: Rhinoceros sivalensis and Rhinoceros platyrhinus, After p. 158, plate 14, with figs. 1-4 (copied from Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis of 1847, pl. 72 f.1, pl.73 f.21, pl.75, f.5,10))

Falconer, H. et al. 1868 A description of the plates in the Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis, pp. 421-556

Falconer, H. 1868 Introduction, pp. 1-29

Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South Asia - India
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