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Title: Vedci vytvorili embryo v prírode vyhynutého nosorožca. Do náhradnej matky ho chcú vložit' ešte tento rok [Scientists have created an embryo in an extinct rhinoceros. They want to put it in the surrogate mother this year]
Author(s): Anonymous
Year published: 2020
Journal: Interez, Ceská tisková kancelár
Volume: 15 January 2020
Pages: -
File: View PDF: 161,6 kb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Europe - Southern Europe - Italy
The Slovak text has kindly been provided by the Slovak palaeontologist Júlia Zervanová.
English abstract - Italian scientists of the Avantea Laboratory team directed by Cesare Galli have created an embryo in an extinct rhinoceros.
They want to put it in the surrogate mother (identified in...

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