Reference Base Predvaritel’nye dannye po kranio- i osteometrii shersti... |
Title: |
Predvaritel’nye dannye po kranio- i osteometrii sherstistogo nosoroga iz mestonakhozhdenya Irilyakh-Siene (srednee techenie r. Kolyma) [Preliminary data on the cranio-and osteometry of the woolly rhino from the Iriliah-Siena site (middle course of the Kolyma river)] [in Russian, English abstr.] |
Author(s): |
Novgorodov, G.P.; Boeskorov, G.G.; Cheprasov, M.Yu. |
Year published: |
2018 |
Journal: |
Vestnik of North-Eastern Federal Univ. “M.K. Ammosov” (SVFU), s. Earth Sciences, |
Volume: |
5 (67) |
Pages: |
44-53, 8 figs, 2 tabs, Yakutsk |
File: |
View PDF: 3,0 mb |
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