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Title: Evaluation of blood gas values in anesthetized southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) ventilated with a novel demand ventilator in a zoological park setting
Author(s): Jeon, M.; Mama, K.R.; Zuba, J.R.; Lamberski, N.; Oosterhuis, J.E.; Clancy, M.M.; Delk, K.W.; Kinney, M.E.; Morris, P.J.; Olea-Popelka, F.
Year published: 2017
Journal: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Volume: 48 (4)
Pages: 1016-1025
File: View PDF: 302,9 kb
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White Rhino
Rhinoceros conservation efforts are essential to the survival of the species. One such effort is focused on using advanced reproductive technologies to produce viable northern white rhinoceros ( Ceratotherium simum cottoni) embryos for implantation into southern white rhinoceros ( Ceratotherium s...

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