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Title: Notes on some of the symbols found on the punch-marked coins of Hindustan, and on their relationship to the archaic symbolism of other races and distant lands
Author(s): Theobald, W.
Year published: 1890
Journal: Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal
Volume: 1890 (3/4)
Pages: 181-268
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South Asia
Asian Rhino Species
37. A Rhinoceros. Fig. 13. The rhinoceros is rare on these coins, and in both the figures given
by Thomas (J. A. S. B,, 1865, PL XI), the horn, though undoubtedly belonging to this animal, yet makes an unnaturar curve forwards. The species intended is probably R. Sondaicus, the lesser one-hor...

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