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Title: Rinoceronte fossile del Po - Il reperto sarà presentato ufficialmente domenica 3 novembre alle ore 16.00 al Museo Paleoantropologico del Po
Author(s): Ravara, S.
Year published: 2013
Journal: Il Bifacciale-Notiziario period. del Gruppo Naturalistico Paleontofilo di S. Daniele Po (CR), v. Cantone, S. Daniele Po,
Volume: 10
Pages: 2 pp, 2 photographs,
File: View PDF: 5,8 mb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Europe - Southern Europe - Italy
Distribution - Records
The second illustration represents an attempt of reconstruction of the S. kirchbergensis palaeoenvironment by the painter Emiliano Troco ("Atelier Troco", via Patriarcato 3, Cividale del Friuli, Udine province, N-E Italy).
The painting (oil on canvas, about 50x70 cm) is exhibited in ...

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