Title: |
Atlas Geografie Fizica Generala – clasa X-a |
Author(s): |
Alcaz, V.; Isicico, E.; Lungu, A.; Sirodoev, Gh.; Sirodoev, I.; Volontir, N.; Zaicenco, A. |
Year published: |
2012 |
Journal: |
Institutul de Ecologie si Geografie, Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol (cu sediul la Chisinau) in colab. cu Intreprind. |
Volume: |
De Stat Institutul de Geodezioe “Ingeocad”, Chisinau |
Pages: |
pp. 26-27 (particulars). |
File: |
View PDF: 7,3 mb |
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Distribution - Maps
All Rhino Species
Two pages (26-27) from the "Atlas of General Physical Geography" for the Moldovian schools showing the animal present distribution (rhinoceroses included) on the Planet. |