Title: |
Le Mostre di Palazzo Turchi di Bagno |
Author(s): |
Breda, M.; Pancaldi, R.; Sala, B. |
Year published: |
2012 |
Journal: |
Annali dell’Università di Ferrara – Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica, Ferrara; |
Volume: |
8 (1) |
Pages: |
49-53, figs 1-7. |
File: |
View PDF: 901,6 kb |
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Distribution - Records
On pay 51, Coelodonta antiquitatis from Settepolesini di Bondeno (Polesine, Ferrara, Emilia) is mentioned. It represents one of the very few Coelodonta antiquitatis found in Italy (vide autem in Sala & Gallini 2002 - "La steppe-taiga … di Settepolesini" as well in Billia, 2010 - A... |