Reference Base Biostratigrafya Pozdnego Pliozena-Rannego Pleystozena Tad... |
Title: |
Biostratigrafya Pozdnego Pliozena-Rannego Pleystozena Tadjikistana (po Faune Mlekopitayushchikh) [Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene Biostratigraphy of Tadjikistan (based on Mammal faunas)] [in Russian]. |
Author(s): |
Vangengeym, E.A.; Sotnikova, M.V.; Alekseeva, L.I.; Vislobokova, I.A.; Zhegallo, V.I.; Zazhigin, V.S.; Shevyreva, N.S. |
Year published: |
1988 |
Journal: |
- |
Volume: |
Akademya Nauk SSSR, Komissya po Izuchenyu Chetvertichnogo Perioda, Izd-vo “Nauka”, Moskva |
Pages: |
pp. 1-127. |
File: |
Download PDFs: Part 1: 3,7 mb Part 2: 1,9 mb |
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Asia - West Asia
Distribution - Records
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Asia - West Asia
Distribution - Records
The entire paper consists of 127 pages (including 27 figures and 38 tables) and 16 plates. Dicerorhinus sp. and Rhinocerotidae gen. indet. are only mentioned (tables 1 and 2). Figures/plates regarding rhinoceroses are unavailable in the paper. Here are the "Foreword" (pp. 3-4), the c... |