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Title: Mlekopitayushchie, ptizy i ryby iz mestonakhozhdenya Cheremukhovo-1 (Raskop 2) [Mammals, birds and fishes from the Cheremukhovo-1 site (Pit 2)] (in: Pleystozenovye i Golozenovye Fauny Urala) [in Russian, English abstr]
Author(s): Borodin, A.V.; Kosintsev, P.A.; Strukova, T.V.; Nekrasov, A.E.
Year published: 2000
Journal: Biota Severnoy Evrazii v Kaynozoe, Ross. Akad Nauk (Ural’skoe otdelenie), Institut Ekologicheskikh rast. i zhivotnikh, Izd-vo “Rifey”, Chelyabinsk;
Volume: 1
Pages: 59-61+70-75+78-80, tabs. 7-9.
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - Palearctic Asia
Distribution - Records
No details available yet

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