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Title: Biological survey of the Cardamom Mountains, Southwestern Cambodia: Interim Report April 2000
Author(s): Daltry, J.C.; Momberg, F.
Year published: 2000
Publisher: Cambridge, Fauna and Flora International
Volume: -
Pages: pp. 1-12
File: View PDF: 251,5 kb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - East Asia - Cambodia
Distribution - Status
Javan Rhino
Two large species were not found. Javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus) have been reported in the Cardamom Mountains by local hunters or wood collectors. In view of the vast size of the region, these important and critically endangered species could still be present, albeit in low numbers.

Asia - East Asia - Cambodia
Distribution - Records
Javan Rhino
Two large species were not found. Javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus) have been reported in the Cardamom Mountains by local hunters or wood collectors. In view of the vast size of the region, these important and critically endangered species could still be present, albeit in low numbers.

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