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Title: Husbandry manual for the greater one-horned or Indian rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis Linne, 1758
Author(s): Guldenschuh, G.; Houwald, F.F. von
Year published: 2002
Publisher: Basel, Zoo Basel
Volume: -
Pages: [loose-leaved]
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Sub-References for this reference:

Houwald, F.F. von 2002 Nutrition

Houwald, F.F. von 2002 Hand-rearing

Trupkiewicz, J. 2002 Post-mortem protocol

Guldenschuh, G. 2002 Conservation status & taxonomy

Guldenschuh, G. 2002 Behavior & management

Guldenschuh, G. 2002 Design of enclosures and housing

Houwald, F.F. von 2002 Health

Rookmaaker, L.C. 2002 Bibliography

Categories and original text of this Reference:

Indian Rhino
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