Title: |
Introduction |
Author(s): |
Johnston, H.H. |
Year published: |
1922 |
Journal: |
- |
Volume: |
- |
Pages: |
pp. xix-xxxv |
Reference From: | Barns, T.A. 1922 The wonderland of the Eastern Congo. London and New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, pp. i-xxxv, 1-288 |
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Africa - Western Africa - Niger
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
But north of the equator both forms may be found west of the main Nile; and the black rhinoceros extends its range - seemingly - into Eastern Nigeria (though not to the west of the Niger); and according to Roman records, was once very abundant south of the Sahara, round Lake Chad. |
Africa - Western Africa - Chad
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
But north of the equator both forms may be found west of the main Nile; and the black rhinoceros extends its range - seemingly - into Eastern Nigeria (though not to the west of the Niger); and according to Roman records, was once very abundant south of the Sahara, round Lake Chad. |
Africa - Western Africa - Nigeria
Distribution - Records
Black Rhino
But north of the equator both forms may be found west of the main Nile; and the black rhinoceros extends its range - seemingly - into Eastern Nigeria (though not to the west of the Niger); and according to Roman records, was once very abundant south of the Sahara, round Lake Chad. |
Africa - Southern Africa
Distribution - Status
African Rhino Species
The range of the rhinoceroses in the southern half of Africa is very much that of the zebras, except, of course, that within the last hundred years the white rhinoceros has been virtually exterminated in Trans-Zambezian Africa by the British-Boer white man. |
Africa - Western Africa - Central African Republic
Distribution - Status
African Rhino Species
But north of the equator both forms may be found west of the main Nile; and the black rhinoceros extends its range - seemingly - into Eastern Nigeria (though not to the west of the Niger); and according to Roman records, was once very abundant south of the Sahara, round Lake Chad. |