Reference Base A voyage to and from the island of Borneo, in the East In... |
Title: |
A voyage to and from the island of Borneo, in the East Indies. With a description of the said island: giving an account of the inhabitants, their manners, customs, relion, product, chief ports, and trade. Together with the re-establishment of the English trade there, An. 1714, after our Factory had been destroyed by the Banjareens some years before |
Author(s): |
Beeckman, D. |
Year published: |
1718 |
Publisher: |
London, T. Warner |
Volume: |
- |
Pages: |
pp. i-xiv, 1-205 |
File: |
View PDF: 71,0 kb |
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Asia - South East Asia - Borneo
Sumatran Rhino
No details available yet |
Museums - Africa
Black Rhino
[Observations made during his stay at the Cape of Good Hope:]
[1718: 178] The Governor has a handsome dwelling-house therein [in the Castle]. At the upper-part of the Town, is a very large fine garden belonging to the Dutch East-India Company, which is surrounded partly with a wall and... |