Title: |
Painted tombs in the Necropolis of Marissa (Mareshah) |
Author(s): |
Peters, J.P.; Thiersch, H. |
Year published: |
1905 |
Publisher: |
London, Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund |
Volume: |
- |
Pages: |
pp. i-xvii, 1-101, pls. 1-22 |
File: |
View PDF: 294,8 kb |
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Africa - Northern Africa - Egypt
Culture - Countries
African Rhino Species
Painted tombs in Necropolis of Marissa (Mareshah). The last section on the south wall of tomb I consists of two very large, exotic animals, of which the first is a bulky rhinoceros [plate X]. The hige head with the small, round eyes set much too low down, produces a comical rather than a terrib... |