Title: |
Filariasis in Rhodesian wild life |
Author(s): |
Condy, J.B.; Hill, R.R. |
Year published: |
1970 |
Journal: |
Central African Journal of Medicine |
Volume: |
16 (11) |
Pages: |
249-251, table 1 |
File: |
View PDF: 202,5 kb |
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Africa - Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
Diseases - Parasites
Black Rhino
Filariasis in Rhodesian wildlife. In rhinoceros, found adult Artionema africana
Microfilariae from blood concentration: 6 samples negative
Numbers positive/ numbers tested: 0 / 6.
Bezuidenhout & Schneider 1972
Record a rare tick, Cosmiomma hippopotamensis Denny, 1843. It was earlier found i... |