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Title: Notes on territory and home range size of white rhinoceros in the southern Timbavati
Author(s): Roche, C.
Year published: 2000
Journal: CCA Ecological Journal
Volume: 2
Pages: 130-133
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Distribution - Records
White Rhino
Prior to the removal of the fence between the Kruger National Park (KNP) and the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve (TPNR) in 1992/3, the density of White Rhino in the Timbavati can be considered to have been unnaturally high. This is apparent from the changed situation post-1993. The dropping of...

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Behaviour - Social Behaviour
White Rhino
Territory Size. White Rhino bulls hold territories from which other adult territorial bulls are excluded and which are marked and patrolled on a regular basis (Owen-Smith, 1971). The aim of this study was to calculate average territory size in the study area and to compare these findings with t...

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Behaviour - Social Behaviour
White Rhino
Some groups of cows form very stable units of up to four adult females and their dependent young. These animals are far more sedentary than the likes of the cow mentioned above and although they might leave the territory of the bull within which they reside for the majority of the time, they see...

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