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Title: Black rhino kills male lion
Author(s): Morinte, J.; Keter, P.
Year published: 2000
Journal: CCA Ecological Journal
Volume: 2
Pages: 37
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Behaviour - Social Behaviour
Black Rhino
The sub-adult lions had probably never encountered a rhino before and jumped up at it. This appeared to anger the rhino which snorted and rushed at the nearest lion -the large male.

Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Ecology - Interspecific Relations
Black Rhino
At about 22h00 on 16/11/98, we happened upon the dominant male lion of the Kichwa Pride close to the airstrip; he had been mating during the day and was bloated after a big meal. Out of the darkness, a Black Rhino appeared and it was soon encircled by the pride. The well-fed male showed no inte...

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