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Title: Report on the Regional Meeting for India and Nepal of IUCN/SSC Asian Rhino Specialist Group
Author(s): Strien, N.J. van; Foose, T.J.
Year published: 2000
Publisher: Doorn, Asian Rhino Specialist Group
Volume: -
Pages: [not paginated]
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Sub-References for this reference:

Dey, S.C. 2000 Indian rhinoceros action plan: pp. 40-43

Doley, S. 2000 Action plan in Assam: pp. 44-47

Bonal, B.S. 2000 Status report Kaziranga: pp. 58-83

Bonal, B.S. 2000 Action plan for Kaziranga: pp. 84-94

Bonal, B.S. 2000 Annual action calendar: pp. 95-101

Raha, A.K. 2000 Status report West Bengal: pp. 102-122

Assam Forest Department 2000 Status report Orang: pp. 123-129

Assam Forest Department 2000 Status report Pabitora: pp. 130-134

Singh, S.P. 2000 Status report Manas: pp. 135-138

Sinha, S.P. et al. 2000 Reintroduced rhino in Dudhwa: pp. 139-145

Nepal Dept National Parks 2000 Rhino conservation in Nepal: pp. 146-151

Nepal Dept National Parks 2000 Rhino action plan for Chitwan National Park: pp. 159-167

Nepal Dept National Parks 2000 Royal Bardia National Park: pp. 168-169

Jnawali, S.R. 2000 Translocation of Indian rhinoceros: pp. 170-171

Foose, T.J. 2000 Global captive program: pp. 172-174

Martin, E.B. 2000 Rhinoceros unicornis trade issues: pp. 175-176

Khan, M. 2000 Overview: pp. 32-33

Foose, T.J. et al. 2000 Status of the Asian and African rhinoceroses: pp. 34-39

Categories and original text of this Reference:

Asia - South Asia - India
Asian Rhino Species
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