Title: |
Witrenosterkalwers word 'ambassadeurs' in die Ooste |
Author(s): |
Natal Parks Board |
Year published: |
1992 |
Journal: |
Conserva |
Volume: |
7 (3) |
Pages: |
22, fig. 1 |
File: |
View PDF: 108,5 kb |
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Captive - Africa
Captivity - Zoo Records
White Rhino
Three white rhino, Thembi, Thandi and Tem, were the stars of the Royal Show in Pietermaritzburg in 1991. They were taken to the municipal zoo of Toyohashi in Japan. |
Captive - Asia
Captivity - Zoo Records
White Rhino
Three white rhino, Thembi, Thandi and Tem, were the stars of the Royal Show in Pietermaritzburg in 1991. They were taken to the municipal zoo of Toyohashi in Japan. |