Reference Base International studbook of African rhinoceroses (Diceros b... |
Title: |
International studbook of African rhinoceroses (Diceros bicornis / Ceratotherium simum), 31.12.1990, No. 4 |
Author(s): |
Kloes, H.G.; Frese, R. |
Year published: |
1991 |
Publisher: |
Berlin, Zoologischer Garten |
Volume: |
- |
Pages: |
pp. 1-198 |
File: |
View PDF: 4,7 mb |
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| Blaszkiewitz, B. 1991 Anmerkungen zu Lebensalter und Reproduktionsrate Berliner Nashorner: pp. 37-43, figs. 1-5
| Francke, R. et al. 1991 Traechtigkeitsdiagnose durch Steroidhormonanalyse aus Kotproben bei einem Spitzmaulnashorn (Diceros bicornis) im Zoologischen Garten Berlin: pp. 44-48, figs. 1-4
| Jarofke, D. et al. 1991 Die wichtigste Krankheiten der Nashoerner mit Hinweis auf umfassende Bibliographien sowie einer Nashorn-Zuchtbuchauswertung: pp. 49-51
Captivity - Zoo Records
White Rhino
Studbook 31.12.1990. On 31.12.1990 there were 709 (346/362/1) white rhino in 245 collections.
They are listed nos. 1-968 |
Captivity - Zoo Records
Black Rhino
Studbook 31.12.1990. On 31.12.1990 there were 204 (91/113) black rhino in 72 collections.
They are listed nos. 1-435 separated in minor and michaeli. |